Is Food Your Source?


The Lifelong Yo-Yo Diet Struggle

And How to Stop the Cycle


The Truth

Life can seem overwhelming at times, especially when you're faced with challenges, ones that you seemingly just can’t figure out. For so many of us, our weight and our relationship with food have been at the forefront of the struggle bus. From finding the next diet to try (or even going back to a previous one that supposedly “worked” even though you’re in the same boat again) to psyching yourself up to start a new super intense workout program, it’s a never-ending cycle of yuck. Amiright?

But what if the main thing that has been off here has been where our source of happiness really lies? What if we’ve been misguided all along?

Stay with me here...

God is our source.

Many of us have heard this phrase before, but have we ever really stopped to think about what it truly means? And let’s take it a step further and delve into what it means for all of us who have had a lifelong weight struggle.

Understanding the Phrase

"God is your source" is a phrase that holds a deep spiritual meaning. It's an acknowledgement of the divine presence in our lives that guides us, provides for us, and helps us in times of need. But it's not just about physical or material provision. God being our source is also about gaining wisdom, understanding, peace, and spiritual growth.

God as the Source vs Food as the Source

When we say that God is our source, it's an admission of a deep reliance on a higher power. It is a reliance that extends beyond the physical and taps into the spiritual. It is a belief that all good things, be it love, kindness, peace, or joy, come from God.

When we turn to food as our source, we’re relying on that food to “fix” whatever struggle we are having and be everything we are looking for or need. We’re upset about getting in an argument with our spouse, so we run to the kitchen for a snack. We’re bummed because we lost our job and order a pizza on the way home and eat and eat and eat...because in those moments of eating, the struggles we’re facing seem to fade away. And we don’t want that feeling to stop, so we keep eating.

The problem is, when we finally DO stop eating, we are so full that we feel sick sometimes and on top of that physical feeling of being uncomfortable, the original struggles we’re facing come right back.

Finding Comfort in God

There is SO MUCH comfort in understanding and accepting that God is our source. In times of distress, when we feel lost or overwhelmed, knowing that we have an eternal, unchanging source of strength and comfort can provide immense relief. It is an assurance that we are not alone, that we are loved, and that there is a divine plan for us. God doesn’t make mistakes.

Celebrate Life!

The ultimate goal for us all is happiness. And while there will always be challenges in our lives, let's not forget to celebrate the gift of life He has given us. Let’s not forget that we are absolutely here for a reason, created just as we are for a reason. Again, God doesn’t make mistakes.

So when it comes to healing your relationship with food, ENJOY THE FOOD for what it is with the understanding of what it’s not. When you start making the shift from food as your source to God as your source, everything changes! Celebrate every moment, savor each bite life offers, and to be grateful for the sweetness that comes your way. So, go ahead, eat that piece of cake! And when you run into those challenges, turn to God to help you get through them.

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Hey, I’m Katie! Wife, mom of two boys, ASMRtist, and life coach.



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