#1 Boy Mom Cleaning Hack





Household Cleaning

Cleaning can be a chore that many of us dread. It's time-consuming, tedious and let's be honest, there are a lot of other things we'd rather be doing. The worst? BOY BATHROOM TOILETS. But why and how is it EVERYWHERE?! Amiright? 😖

But what if I told you there was a way to clean the toilets that actually worked?

I don’t know about you, but I would scrub and scrub with all different kinds of products, including bleach, and it still didn’t feel (or smell) clean.

I discovered this simple hack that can save you the anguish of dealing with those boy toilets! Or at the very least, give you that payoff you’re looking for after scrubbing of a clean, sparkling, fresh smelling boy bathroom. (I know, it doesn’t seem possible 🤪)

The Cleaning Hack

This cleaning hack is surprisingly simple and involves using an inexpensive everyday household item, one you might already have. If not, it’s sold in any grocery or drugstore. I stumbled upon this hack one day while scrolling on social media (avoiding cleaning the bathroom 😂). Let's just say it was a game changer and I've been using it ever since.

Why This Hack Works

This cleaning hack works because...well, I’m not sure. It just does! It's also cost-effective and you don't need to spend extra money on a fancy cleaning product.

What is it?

Are you ready for this?


I know...you’re making the same face I did when I heard about it. And we’re talking regular ole Barbasol shaving cream. But, I promise...IT WORKS! The foam gets in everywhere and does it's thing all the way to a clean toilet. While you’re at the store, grab a dedicated toilets only small scrub brush. I ended up finding a kitchen scrub brush that works perfectly.

Just spray the shaving cream all over the toilet (and tile and grout), scrub it around, making sure to get under all the tabs and around the base, and let it sit for at least 20-30 minutes. Then, just wipe it all off. That’s it. You'll be amazed at how well this cleans and the bathroom will actually smell fresh!


Cleaning boy toilets doesn't have to be a dreaded task. Well, okay, it still is...but knowing that you can use this inexpensive product that will actually work makes it way more tolerable. Why not give it a try? You might just find that it makes this cleaning task a whole lot easier.

For more insights and inspiration, visit www.simplykatieann.com.


Hey, I’m Katie! Wife, mom of two boys, ASMRtist, and life coach.



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